
Monday, October 7, 2013

10.6.13 Talk to the Lord. And then, well, shut up and let him talk.

Bountiful Blessings


October 6. 2013

I was reading this book called Snow Day. (Yep, once again, I have managed to shock you. Terri, read, whut?- for those of you who don’t know - a book attached to the end of my nose is my favorite accessory!)In the book, God suggests that the man take the day off of work to “gather himself and hunker down”. He takes the day off and a hodgepodge of small, unexpected conversations point him to a clear understanding of what God wants for him. One example - a broken and ugly doll purchased by a wealthy elderly couple. Why did they buy it? They said it had character. He said it was ugly. They asked him did having battle scars make one ugly? He said noooo, recognizing a trap, but the doll itself was ugly. Both the elderly man and woman showed their scars. They told him a story of how each of them had retreated from life, hiding from the world, hiding their “ugliness”. God had a different plan for them. He pushed them out, in small doses, and they found each other and found the beauty within. Isn’t that a beautiful story?

Have you ever dismissed someone or something because they did not reach your standards? Overlooked someone because of “differences” not imperfections? Each unexpected encounter shows him a valuable life lesson. I sit curled in my spot thinking about it. How many times has God placed someone or something in my path to show me or teach me and I did not open my heart or my mind to let it in? The chance conversation with the wonderful young man after ACT yesterday. Was that just two friendly people talking or was there a message to be learned? When you have the day all planned out and it doesn’t go according to plan. Was that just life happening or was it all part of God’s plan? A friend shared her story of her plans gone awry. Let’s see what you think….

On Sunday, I decided to make a spice cake.  After looking through all my cake mixes, I realized that that was the one cake mix I didn't have. Monday, I was looking through a cookbook and found a spice cake recipe using apple butter.  So, I opened a butter cake mix, added my water and apple sauce, and then realized I was out of eggs.  Borrowed eggs next door.  Came back, added my eggs to the cake mix, and checked the box for any school coupon.  Then, I realized my cake mix expired a year ago.  Determined to finish the job, I added self-rising flour and milk (out of soda).  Poured the mixture into the pan.  Then, I saw where I had not added the butter or any of the additional spices.  Poured the butter into the mix (in the pan) and gently stirred.  I was out of nutmeg and allspice, of course, so I just added cinnamon.  Finally, I placed the pan in the oven at which time I realized the temperature of the oven was set wrong.  Had to reset the temperature. When I served my husband, Roger, a piece of cake, I explained all my mishaps.  Then, I suggested he pray over the cake before eating. He asked for a second piece (to be nice--bad tasting, of course).  I told him if he was alive in the morning, I would give him a second piece. You may say that God did not want me to make that cake.  Being of a stubborn nature, I pursued it anyway.  This should give you some idea of how hard it is for God to get me to do His will.

Thought for the week:

Talk to the Lord. And then, well, shut up, and let him talk. Maybe he has been trying and just can’t get a word in. J

Prayer for the week:

Dear Lord,

Please open my eyes, my heart and my mind to your wonders today. I want to revel in the beauty all around me. I want to be your vessel; please help me to go forth and share your love and life lessons with others. I love you, Lord. In Jesus’s name. Amen

Bible verse for the week:

“If the Lord delights in a man’s way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumbles, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.    Psalm 37:23-24


Bible fun for the week:
To whom was Jesus speaking when he made the following statements:

Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not.

Their parents, his disciples, the Pharisees, the crowd

Whosever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?

Mary Magdalene, the woman at the well, Martha, his mother

Woman, why weepest thou?

His mother, Mary - sister of Lazarus, Martha, Mary Magdalene

Woman, what have I to do with thee?

The woman at the well, the woman with an issue of blood, Pilates wife, his mother

Why are you persecuting me?

The high priest, the Pharisees, Satan, Saul

What is that to thee? Follow thou me.

Peter, Andrew, James, John

Why do you call me good?

Matthew, Nathaniel, the rich young ruler, Nicodemus

God is a spirit; and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

The Pharisees, his disciples, the woman at the well, Pilate

Wist yet not that I must be about my father’s business?

His disciples, his parents, Mary and Martha, Philip

That thou doest, do quickly.

Peter, John, Judas, Calaphas

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