
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

9.30.13 Acceptance... dropping those prejudices...

Bountiful Blessings

September 30th, 2013

Acceptance. Understanding. Compassion. Love. These concepts seem rather straightforward, don’t they? I have been working on my homework for my disabilities class and well, history has proven that these are not as straightforward as our initial thoughts.

History has been wrought with cruelty and discrimination. Wars have been fought; violence has ensued. Then we have the women’s rights movement. The civil rights movement. The disabilities rights movement. The gay/lesbian rights movement. We are in a constant struggle to gain simple freedoms for everyone – the right to an education, to employment, for accessibility and for equal treatment. Freedoms that I admit I take for granted.

In my class, we have watched a video of an institution from days gone by. 2800 children that society hid away. The narrator states that the children “are protected from society and the granite wall of ignorance, and social blindness protects society from them.” People did not understand physical or mental disabilities. Solution – tuck them away. How terribly sad. I not only feel sad for those in the institutions but for those who lost out on getting to know them. I have a cousin in her early 30s who is developmentally challenged. Her mental stage is a preteen and yet, she wants a “regular life”; a husband, children, her own home. She may never achieve all of these things but she has managed to acquire a job and make some of her own choices. With time and further rehabilitation counseling alongside her medication, who knows, it may be possible for her to live in a center for independent living one day. Now, consider if she had been born sixty years ago, what would her life have been like? Would she have spent her life institutionalized and forgotten? Breaks my heart. She is such a joy. You cannot help but not only love her but genuinely like her.

And if you have never seen the video from Spike Lee about the four girls in the Birmingham church bombing… wow… it is a powerful documentary. Four innocent girls lost due to a group of men’s ignorance and inconceivable hatred. (But doesn’t hatred continue even today? In some form or fashion? Directed towards people who are deemed “different”?  It just takes different forms but wait, I am getting off track again). Born in a different time, it is hard for me to imagine the restrictions that society placed on minorities; the hatred, the violence.  But with time, sweat, dedication and fervor, changes can be achieved and the world can be a better place.

God loved everyone. He did not turn away the lepers or the “cripples”. No, he simply loved them. He embraced their differences. He taught us to look past the surface to people’s hearts. To treat each other with love and kindness. Our hatred, our discrimination, our prejudices - our problem.

Today I asked you, no I beg you, to please look into your heart. Do you see someone through a veil of prejudice? The homeless person with the mental disability – do you turn up your nose and go out of your way to avoid him? The Hispanic person – do you question why he is here and why doesn’t he learn English? The elderly lady slowing down traffic in front of you – do you get angry, curse her and yell at her to move on? The person with the uncontrolled child – do you shake your head over why the mother doesn’t simply discipline him or do you consider that there may be more factors involved?  Do you? Any of these? Or do you have your own?

We may not have hatred. We may not show violence. We may consider that we are not that bad. Certainly not as bad as the Klan or Hitler or any others such as that. Noooo…..But is there really a level of bad and a level of acceptable? Mmmm, sorry, no.  And please understand, I write this knowing that I am as guilty as the next person. I am not getting all preachy and not looking in my own backyard. I know. I admit it. But today, today, I am going to make a conscious effort. I will try to view others through God’s eyes. With love. With compassion. With caring.

If I only make a difference to one person, is that not important?

Bible verse for the week:

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”                    Galatians 3:28

Thought for the week:

“…when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands…”                       Martin Luther King “I have a dream” speech

Bible fun for the week:

Twelve Disciples: Peter – John – James – Andrew – Philip – Bartholomew – Thomas – Matthew – James – Thaddeus –Simon - Judas


1. This gentleman was a tax collector before he became a disciple of Jesus. __________

2. This disciple was the half-brother of Jesus and a writer of one of the 66 books of the bible with the exception of Jude. __________

3. John was a disciple of Jesus and so was his brother. Who was John’s brother? __________

4. Peter was the first disciple that Jesus called. Peter has a brother who was also a disciple and his name was __________.

5. Peter, Andrew, James and __________ were fishermen before they became disciples of Jesus.

6. The three disciples that wrote books of the bible were: Matthew, John and __________

7. This disciple was also known as Nathaniel. __________

8. Which Disciple hung himself for betraying Jesus? __________

9. This disciple was a brother of James (younger). _________

10. Which disciple would not believe Jesus was resurrected until he could see for himself? __________

11. Which three disciples witnessed the transfiguration? __________, __________. & __________

12. What disciple was beheaded for the gospel sake? __________

13. What disciple also known as Cephus cut off the right ear of the high priest’s servant? __________

15. This disciples name means “rock”. __________


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