
Monday, October 22, 2012

10.21.12 Thank you for the birthday wishes!

Bountiful Blessings

October 21, 2012

Hello friends and family. Today was my birthday and it was AWESOME!  Some (cough, cough) forty six years ago, a small version of Terri was born to parents, Dave and Faye. (I don’t want to hear about the age thing. Jim told me Happy Birthday, old woman, and Chad wished me a Happy Birthday with the following phrase, wow, you are one year closer to death. Lovely, huh? My special and loving family). Anyways, where was I? Oh yea, birth and birthdays.

I remember the birth of my own daughter some twenty five years ago. I thought she was beautiful. A seven and ½ pound red faced, big eared little alien. Sounds harsh you say? Hmmm…. Whether you have had your own child or seen a friend’s, a niece, a nephew, a godchild, all of us have children in our lives that are special to us. Now. Be honest. He or she was beautiful. Because every baby is beautiful. Our love shields us from the red splotchy faces, the funny shaped heads, the out of proportion features. Haha. I know that you are just a fussing at me right now. Aww. Don’t be mad. If you are honest with yourself, you will know what I am talking about. And why am I talking about this? You know me. It always takes me a way around to get to the point J

Many, many, many years ago, there was a birth of a baby. A much more important birth than mine. Or yours. Or even our special babies. The birth of Jesus. He was born to a simple woman. He was in human form. Chances are he was red faced and baby beautiful. He probably cried a little. I do not know of any passage in the Bible talking about him speaking or walking immediately. He grew as each of us grow. Amazing, isn’t it? We don’t think about that side. For me, it makes it all the more miraculous. That God used a human woman to give birth to a godly son. A son who lived, breathed and bled. A son who was special. More special than we can even comprehend. Angels spoke of him. Kings traveled to see him. He grew into a man who would save lives - our eternal lives.

Each year we celebrate our birthdays. Today I had a small celebration with family. Received many birthday wishes from friends. There was food and gifts. (Still following me? I know. I bounce around a lot. The wonderful thing about Tiggers is Im the only one). Our birthday celebrations sound like Jesus’s birth, don‘t they? A small celebration surrounded by family. Well wishes from shepherds and kings. Food and gifts. We mirrored our celebrations after the original and most important celebration of life. Well, that birthday is coming up on us quickly. In about two months, we celebrate the birth of Christ. How do you celebrate???

Today I would like to ask you to consider how you choose to celebrate. This year, in the midst of the Christmas presents, the overabundance of food, the cards, the parties, the tree, the decorations, the lights, the wrapping, lets remember the why. Why do we celebrate December 25th? Well, I can tell you that it is not Santa nor Frosty nor Rudolph. Nope. December 25th. Simple and true. Jesus’s birthday. Lets think of some way to celebrate. How about - your child making a birthday present for Jesus? How about - baking a birthday cake for Jesus? How about - reading the story of Jesus’s birth on Christmas Eve? How about - a birthday party for Jesus with all the guests donating his “present“ to a local charity? These are all brainstorming suggestions. Pick one or come up with your own. What feels right to you. Show your love and gratefulness. Make a new tradition. Celebrate Christ’s birthday with love and generosity.

From my birthday to yours - make every day special and always remember the birth of our almighty Savior.

Bible verse for the week:

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”         John 3:16

Prayer for the week:

Dear Lord,

Thank you for my day, my wonderful birthday celebration. Lord, I am so blessed. I may not have an abundance of possessions but I have an abundance of love in my life. Today was a shining example with the overflowing love, prayers and well wishes. Our sights are turned towards your upcoming birthday. May we celebrate the date of your birth with the love and generosity that you show us all year long. In Jesus’s name. Amen.

Bible fun for the week:

How many words can you form from Nebuchadnezzar?

Nebuchadnezzar was king of Babylon when the Jews were taken captive. Daniel served in his administration. We found 73 words and there may be even more than that? How many can you find?

1.       And

2.       Ran

3.       Bad

How about a few quick (and somewhat easy) questions about the birth of Jesus?

1.) Who was the father of Joseph the husband of Mary?

2.) Which angel appeared to Mary?
The Angel of the Lord

3.) Who was promised that he would not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ?
John the Baptist

4.) Who was the king of Judaea at the time of the birth of Jesus?

5.) To escape from the king, the angel of the Lord told Jesus' family to leave and go where?





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