
Monday, October 29, 2012

10.28 Hi Ho, Its off to work we go

Bountiful Blessings

October 28th, 2012

Good morning! Hope this beautiful autumn day finds you well (and warm). Been a tad bit on the chilly side. Now me? I love it. Summer? Not so much. Robbie? Not at all. Haha. One family yet so different. Today I was thinking about work. Yep, Jim fusses at me but Sundays kinda bring me down, give or take, mmmm, around mid afternoon. I get to thinking about the end of my weekend. Pathetic, I know. Its not that I do not like my work or my job. I do. And I know that I am blessed to have a job when there are so many who do not have one. Its just, well, its work. Yuck. I want two days of work and five days of weekend. You with me?

But… you and both know that is not happening. While I may complain about work, it’s a pet peeve of mine about personal responsibility and well, that plays into all aspects of one’s life, including work and supporting yourself and/or your family. I work because I need to work. Food, gas, clothing, credit cards, house payment, cell phone….. These necessities and these luxuries are my expenses and no one is responsible for them except me (and Jim). Do I work because I want to? Puhleeze. Get real. Of course, knowing myself as I do (and I am pretty familiar with my strengths and weaknesses), if I didn’t work, well, it wouldn’t be pretty. Instead of cooking, cleaning, doing volunteer work, blah, blah, blah. I would sleep late. Watch a little tv. Do a little work and then maybe take a nap. Yep. You got the picture. Lazy would be the word to describe me. (That may be the one thing everyone in my family does have in common).

 So, hi ho, its off to work we go. We work. At a bank. A store. Driving a truck. In sales. In HR. We build houses. We fight fires and bad guys. We are doctors and lawyers and such. Every single job is important. Whether you take an order, clean a house or perform neuro surgery, you are the hands and feet of God. God’s customer service. God’s workforce. The Bible tells us “Work….as working for the Lord, not for men.“ Colossians 3:23-24.

 As you head out to work tomorrow morning, remember, what you do is important. It all plays a factor. Everyone has a job to do. Writing a book or checking that book out at the library. Its all part of the big picture. God’s picture. His hand is in everything. Put a smile on your face and a bounce in your walk. Get your tail out the door. God has plans for you.

Haha. I am little all over the place this week, wasn’t I? It all just came scrambling out and rather than edit and delete, I decided to go with the flow. A little bit more honest that way. But please…. Enjoy your work. Know that you are making a difference. Serve your “customer” with God’s love, grace and mercy.

Bible verse for the week:

“Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody”. 1 Thess 4:11-12

 Prayer for the week:

Dear Lord,

I may not always give thanks for my job. This is wrong of me on so many levels. I humbly ask your forgiveness. Thank you for allowing me to work, for giving me the strength of mind and body to serve you in any capacity. I am truly thankful for my job, for the opportunity to work with my coworkers, to help others and to be your hands and feet. Remind me to quit wishing my life away one weekend at a time and to enjoy each minute of every day. I love you, Lord  - today, tomorrow and always. In Jesus’s name. Amen.

 Bible fun for the week:

 I bought a great trivia book. I know. AWESOME. We are going to start at the beginning. Of the book. Well, actually, the beginning of the book AND the true beginning. Quiz 1 is Creation!

1.     When did God create “the heaven and the earth”

2.     Fill in the blank: “and the earth was without _____, and void”.

3.     What is the Bible’s first recorded word from God?

4.     Which of the following was not marked by the lights in the firmament of the heaven? Signs, seasons, days, months

5.     True or false: God called for sea creatures before He spoke the birds into existence.

6.     Fill in the blank: “God made the beast of the earth after his ______ and cattle after their ______”.

7.     How did God create man? For our pleasure, with our blessing, to our glory, in our image

8.     What did God allow Adam and Eve to eat? Seed bearing herbs and fruit, grasses, birds, fish

9.     How many days of Creation were there?

10.How did God describe every thing that he had made?

 You want answers? Well, I will put them in next time. Will that work? J
Prayers for the family of Buster Williams, Mr Lemay and Melinda Burke. We love you!

 Love you. Have a blessed week. Enjoy your work. Praying for you.


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