
Thursday, August 25, 2016

8.25.16 Making the right choice... never easy, always worth it

August 25, 2016

Hello my friends. Thought I had given up, hadnt you? I think I believed that myself. But the thoughts didnt go away even though the motivation to write them down did. So, many moons later, here we are. Together again. 

So, how do I want to start this back up? What wise thing do I want to share? Haha. Clearly you have never read one of these before if you think Terri and wise go in the same sentence. Almost like Terri and grace. Or Terri and a beautiful singing voice. You got it. Not happening. But wait... wise does come into this post. Because I want to talk about wise choices. Making the right ones. Knowing when you are making the right ones. Problem is that I dont have a clear cut answer for you. Right now, you are wondering why are you reading this? Are you making a wise choice to continue?

Life is full of choices. God granted us free will to make our own choices. Hopefully each of you will turn to him for guidance before making these choices but ultimately he gave us a very special gift by allowing us free will. But how do we know what choice to make? Choices bombard us each and every second of the day. Basic, everyday choices such as - What clothes will you choose to put on in the morning? What route will you take to school or work? What will you eat for lunch? To more intense choices such as - Who to date? Do I buy or rent? Will I take this new job? Will I stay home with my kids? It doesnt matter how big or how small, God cares about our choices. He tells us that he has a plan for our lives. We make choices and he works with those choices. Wouldnt it be simpler to just ask him prior to making them? Oh, but how do we know his answers? Sometimes, the answer is clear and pretty much knocks you over the head. Sometimes, you struggle with hearing his response. But just because you do not hear him, doesnt mean he is not listening and answering. I am guilty of taking my life to him but not recognizing the little nudge, the voice in my head, the out of the blue remark from a friend. C'mon, Terri, what are you waiting on? Your own burning bush? 

Lately, my family and I have been faced with some difficult and important choices. Choices that have weighed heavy on our hearts. I went to bed the other night with the recent decision on my mind. I prayed to God to help us through it. And then I worried that we made the wrong choice. Worried. Seriously. Right after praying. Kept myself up all night. What a hypocrite. I prayed. I turned it over to God. Then I laid there and worried about it. Sigh. After a night of little to no sleep, I gave myself a wake up call the next day (haha - like that - no sleep and wake up). I realized the worst choice I had made in the entire situation was to continue to worry after I turned it over to God. So, God and I had a long talk and I humbly apologized to him. Then when the worries started to creep in, I would recite Bible verses. Now, please understand that I am no expert by any means. When I recite Bible verses, I get the jest of them but cannot quote them verbatim. Instead, a worry wants to wriggle its way into my thoughts, I combat with "cast your worries unto the Lord" or "know the plans I have for you". When I do this, a peace fills me from head to toe. Our God is awesome, isnt he?

So I have talked a lot today not to really have said anything of value. Maybe the point was to tell you that we have all been there. Life is wonderful but life is not easy. Making decisions and ultimately, wise choices is not easy. Sometimes we do not make the right ones. And then we are faced with the consequences of said choice. We have to choose to honor our choice until another option is available. We have to set our sights on the Lord and continue to live as he would have us do so - even when we really think our lives stink. It may be one of the most difficult choices you ever make!

Friends, I hope that we continue to have these chats. We can learn from each other and lean on each other in times of celebration or times of trouble. God has brought you into my life and for that I am so thankful. Until we talk again, take care and God bless!

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