
Thursday, August 25, 2016

8.25.16 Making the right choice... never easy, always worth it

August 25, 2016

Hello my friends. Thought I had given up, hadnt you? I think I believed that myself. But the thoughts didnt go away even though the motivation to write them down did. So, many moons later, here we are. Together again. 

So, how do I want to start this back up? What wise thing do I want to share? Haha. Clearly you have never read one of these before if you think Terri and wise go in the same sentence. Almost like Terri and grace. Or Terri and a beautiful singing voice. You got it. Not happening. But wait... wise does come into this post. Because I want to talk about wise choices. Making the right ones. Knowing when you are making the right ones. Problem is that I dont have a clear cut answer for you. Right now, you are wondering why are you reading this? Are you making a wise choice to continue?

Life is full of choices. God granted us free will to make our own choices. Hopefully each of you will turn to him for guidance before making these choices but ultimately he gave us a very special gift by allowing us free will. But how do we know what choice to make? Choices bombard us each and every second of the day. Basic, everyday choices such as - What clothes will you choose to put on in the morning? What route will you take to school or work? What will you eat for lunch? To more intense choices such as - Who to date? Do I buy or rent? Will I take this new job? Will I stay home with my kids? It doesnt matter how big or how small, God cares about our choices. He tells us that he has a plan for our lives. We make choices and he works with those choices. Wouldnt it be simpler to just ask him prior to making them? Oh, but how do we know his answers? Sometimes, the answer is clear and pretty much knocks you over the head. Sometimes, you struggle with hearing his response. But just because you do not hear him, doesnt mean he is not listening and answering. I am guilty of taking my life to him but not recognizing the little nudge, the voice in my head, the out of the blue remark from a friend. C'mon, Terri, what are you waiting on? Your own burning bush? 

Lately, my family and I have been faced with some difficult and important choices. Choices that have weighed heavy on our hearts. I went to bed the other night with the recent decision on my mind. I prayed to God to help us through it. And then I worried that we made the wrong choice. Worried. Seriously. Right after praying. Kept myself up all night. What a hypocrite. I prayed. I turned it over to God. Then I laid there and worried about it. Sigh. After a night of little to no sleep, I gave myself a wake up call the next day (haha - like that - no sleep and wake up). I realized the worst choice I had made in the entire situation was to continue to worry after I turned it over to God. So, God and I had a long talk and I humbly apologized to him. Then when the worries started to creep in, I would recite Bible verses. Now, please understand that I am no expert by any means. When I recite Bible verses, I get the jest of them but cannot quote them verbatim. Instead, a worry wants to wriggle its way into my thoughts, I combat with "cast your worries unto the Lord" or "know the plans I have for you". When I do this, a peace fills me from head to toe. Our God is awesome, isnt he?

So I have talked a lot today not to really have said anything of value. Maybe the point was to tell you that we have all been there. Life is wonderful but life is not easy. Making decisions and ultimately, wise choices is not easy. Sometimes we do not make the right ones. And then we are faced with the consequences of said choice. We have to choose to honor our choice until another option is available. We have to set our sights on the Lord and continue to live as he would have us do so - even when we really think our lives stink. It may be one of the most difficult choices you ever make!

Friends, I hope that we continue to have these chats. We can learn from each other and lean on each other in times of celebration or times of trouble. God has brought you into my life and for that I am so thankful. Until we talk again, take care and God bless!

Monday, January 4, 2016

1.4.16 Leaving my Samford home

Bountiful Blessings

January 4, 2016
            Hello my friends. I hope that you had a lovely Christmas and New Year! Today I share some news with you that is … exciting, terrifying, nail biting and filled with anticipation. It is with deepest regrets that I have resigned from my position at Samford. Over ten years. That is a lot of time to meet wonderful students and make valuable friends. Lots of experiences and memories that I treasure and hold close to my heart. Very difficult decision for me. Yet, I have spent an abundance of time in prayer, and God has spoken to me - take my hand, I have a new direction, a new path for you to follow.
            Where is this path headed to? I am leaving my Samford home to perform an internship to complete my grad school requirements. Come this May, I will have a Master’s in Counseling. Yea! Once again, exciting, terrifying, nail biting and filled with anticipation. I have absolutely no idea what the future holds for me. We cannot always see what God has planned for us but it is clear that he does indeed have plans for each and every one of us. “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
            I will be honest. This path has not been easy. I have thrown obstacles in my way over and over. I truly hate leaving Samford. It’s a great place to work. I love the interaction with students and faculty/staff. Ive had the pleasure of meeting incoming freshmen and their parents for many, many years. The excitement and joy on their faces as they arrive for id cards. And the plethora of opportunities to offer a comforting smile or a kind word to upperclassmen as they come to file a police report. Add on the generosity of fellow employees in the Christmas card campaign (over 3200 cards!!!) as well as previous can drives for the homeless and $1 drives for building wells in impoverished countries. God has blessed me to put so many wonderful people in my life.
So why did I balk when he told me that he had a new plan for me? Oh, I pleaded not to leave. Then I jumped on the worry train about my internship. Really? Unemployed for 4 months? Well, technically I will have a full time job; I just won’t get paid. But as I worried, he continued to reassure me. I kept hearing “do you trust me?” While I would promptly answer “yes”, I was still throwing in a “but”. Realistically, the only but in the situation was me. I was truly acting like one. So I took a deep breath and turned it over to him. Then I stepped off the ledge. One decision. One piece of paper. And poof, life changed.
So that’s where I am. A soon to be former Samford employee. My connection will be Samford alum and Legacy League member. It’s a good thing. God will take care of me as I embark on my journey. But my Samford friends, I will miss you. Conversations, emails, phone calls and Bountiful Blessings. Your friendship means so much to me. God puts people in our lives at different times and for different reasons. I am thankful that you were put in mine. For my other friends, don’t despair. You cannot get rid of me that easy. ; )                                                   Love y’all! Terri
Bible Verse for the week:
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” Matthew 6:25-27
Bible Fun for the week:

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

12.14.15 Ugh... The "Perfect" People... Dont you just hate 'em?

Bountiful Blessings
December 14th, 2015 

It’s the end of the day. Your hair is a mess. Eyeliner is smudged. Clothes are wrinkled. A run in your hose and your feet are absolutely killing you. And then… there “she” is. Yep. You know the one. Hair perfectly in place, looks like she just left the salon. Eyeliner, even lipstick, perfect.  Clothes fresh.  Running around with a smile on her face. Ugh. I bet she is good at Pinterest too. Inside you feel guilty because your first thought is that you hate her and your second flashing thought is you hope she trips or something. Oh wait,  you don’t think that? My bad. Ignore the last part. Well, this ugly feeling is envy. We want what she has. The “perfect” life – romantic husband, beautiful showcase home, kids in soccer and ballet, Michael Kors purse and closet full of shoes, new SUV, and latest iphone all wrapped up pretty in this neat little package. Instead of wishing for her life, we should be thankful for our own. No one’s life is perfect. Not yours but not hers either. We don’t know the details of her life (nor should we) but I can guarantee its not perfect. But don’t use hers as a comparison for yours. Everyone’s life is different. Everyone has highs and lows. Be thankful for the uniqueness of your life. Focus on what is right in your life and thank God for your many blessings and baby, I know that you have them. God has given us this wonderful and awesome gift of life. Instead of viewing it negatively and wasting it, we should be rejoicing in it. And if you continue to feel down, work on improvement – probably a lot could be altered with a little smidge of effort.

In the course of my practicum and internship, I have met a plethora of wonderful, new people.  Young, beautiful ladies from wealthy, upstanding homes who were alcoholics or heroin users. Children who were physically and sexually abused behind closed doors by people who supposedly loved them. Adults with mental illness and alcohol/substance abuse problems who have lost their homes, their jobs and so very often, their children. It really breaks your heart. You never know what is going on in another person’s life. So bottom line here folks. Don’t be envious of another’s life. Bible tells us repeatedly that it is wrong, wrong and wrong. Instead be happy for them. Say a prayer for them. Hopefully everything is as wonderful as it appears. But if not, prayer works; God listens. And above all, be thankful for your life. All of it. Hug your family. Strip off the hose and throw those suckers away. Pick up takeout. Pull your messy hair up and forget about it. Eat, laugh and enjoy the precious gift you have received – another day in a beautiful, though messy, life.

Bible verse for the week:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. Corinthians 13:4

Picture of the week:

Bible fun for the week:

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

11.10.15 Thank you to our men and women who served, and who have served, our country!

Bountiful Blessings

November 10, 2015
Good morning. How are you on this beautiful/dreary, overcast day. Oh, my friends, every day is a beautiful day. Every day is a blessing from above to treasure and savor. Well, tell me, what has been going on? We do not get to talk near as often as I would like and I know people/places/events continue in your life during our break. All ears…
Well, surprise surprise. The whole all ears didn’t last long. Back to me talking. J I thought long and hard about what I wanted to write about. Was going with teaching/learning but then something else intruded and pushed that to the side. Now I want to talk about our servicemen and women. Tomorrow is Veteran’s Day and whereas, I do not think we should wait to extend our appreciation to two government appointed days a year, but well, any day is a good day to say thank you, right?
Hmmm…things going on with me lately. Probably sure that all of you know. Its not that I keep my life low key. Haha, right. One is the Christmas cards for the soldiers campaign. This year has exceeded my expectations. I have probably purchased 1000 cards. We have already received over 1500 with quite a few to be picked up/delivered. Isnt that incredible? God is good, my friends. Friends, family, Eastern Star and Samford have all been so generous and thoughtful with their time. Thank you. Thank you. This Friday, I have the honor of sitting at a table for the ASO Salute to the Armed Forces performance and ask guests to sign cards. What an incredible opportunity! The second thing involves my dad. This weekend, we honored his service in the Navy at Alabama Veterans Park with a brick featuring his name, rank and branch of the service. It was a very touching moment. All of the family was there as well as Dad’s good friend. I was able to give a two minute presentation in his honor, and then Noah Galloway and a boy scout presented him with a flag and a certificate. There were about 40 other veterans being honored by their friends and families that rainy Sunday afternoon. From the bottom of my heart, we extend our deepest appreciation to each and every one of them for their service. But as I attended the ceremony and as I gather cards, I have met many others who served our country. Others who sacrificed, who left families, who placed their lives in danger, who didn’t get the holidays off or the weekends, others who made a commitment to protect our country, our freedom and ultimately, us. It has been such an honor and privilege. And lastly, as Christmas rolls around, its donation time for 3 Hots and a Cot. Dollar Tree items such as shampoo or soap. Canned goods or oh my goodness, coffee. Last year, we gathered up quite a bit between Christmas and my parents’ anniversary party. The gentlemen who came to get it all out of my car were so gracious and thankful. It breaks my heart to think of all the servicemen and women who returned home only to struggle with daily life, the return to “normal”. 3 Hots offers a few homeless vets a chance – a chance at a home, a job, and the respect they deserve. Yes, feeling really passionate about our military personnel right now. Not your passion? Ok. Not going to be everyone’s. (Bad news – my newsletter. My passion. Haha). To sum it up, today, I am not tying my newsletter to a Bible reference. Today, I am simply asking each of you to say a prayer for our military men and women, both past and present. Lift them to the Lord.

Pictures for the week:   
Bible verse for the week:

Bible fun for the week:

Unscramble the verse:
Psalm 29:11  “The strength to people peace Lord blesses his gives people with his Lord the”.

Thanks and bless each of you!!!

Monday, October 26, 2015

10.26.15 A little, well, a lot behind

Hello my friends. It has been some time since I posted. Sorry... life, oh wonderful life, sometimes gets to be a little much and you blink only to find months have passed you by. My heart still cries out to be heard so I have to get back on this horse. Even if I am the only one here, it matters, you know? So, all of this to say, talk with you soon, my friend.

Friday, July 31, 2015

7.26.15 A Multitude of Needs are Met

Bountiful Blessings


July 26, 2015

            Hello my friends. Me again. J One word keeps popping up in my life lately – service. So I thought, hey, lets take a look. Why not, right? I mean, we have all heard the word but have you ever really given it some thought?

I was at one of my “service” organizations this week (Order of the Eastern Star). Our new worthy patron (the special lady in charge) gave a beautiful welcome speech to all newly elected/appointed officers about the definition of service and her desires to reach a high level of service within the ensuing year. Then I attended a newsletter meeting of my other “service” organization (Legacy League); several of the articles centered around service to the Lord and to the organization. One article revealed that over 300 volunteers worked a composite total of over 3000 volunteer hours this year. Amazing, huh?

According to Google, service is defined as “the action of helping or doing work for someone”. Hmmm…when you look at it that way, we perform services all day, every day. And that is wonderful. But lets add a little depth to it. I have a friend in Travelers Aid and a friend who does pro bono work. I have a friend who serves through mission trips and a friend who works with the Ronald McDonald house. I have friends who continuously serve the Lord through activities in their church and another friend who is active in animal rights. So we know that service is the action of helping or doing work for someone but it is more than that. It is about passion, that driving need to help or do work. Oh, you can get a few service hours under your belt and scratch it off your to-do list. But to really be a servant, you have to have that passion, that burning desire to help.
            So what is your passion? Does your heart break over the mistreatment of children or animals? Do you think the government does not do enough for our returning veterans? Do you have a history of substance or alcohol abuse either personally or in your family? Do you know a battered woman or a rape victim? Sigh, my problem is I want to do it all. Focus, Terri. Oh, sorry, that was supposed to be an inner thought. But there is simply so much to be done. So many people to help. How do you choose one? How do you narrow it down? Well, the realistic part is that you have to. Identify your passion. Embrace it. We are all different in glorious ways. If we each identify our passions and stream it towards a specific service, a multitude of needs are met. Make sense?

Bible verse for the week:
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”  1 Peter 4:10
Bible fun for the week:

Final thoughts:

May you serve God with a loving heart.

Have a blessed week, my friends! Terri

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

7.12.15 Tolerance vs Acceptance

Bountiful Blessings

July 12, 2015
            Hello my friends. How are you on this bright, beautiful Sunday morning? All is well here. God is good. So, with all the political talk going on lately, that is where I am going to aim this newsletter. (Just giving you warning.) All I have been hearing or reading about on facebook are the Confederate flag and same sex marriage issues. Oh my goodness. On and on. Yes, I have an opinion. Don’t we all? But it’s the negativity, the anger, the dissonance that is getting to me. So, lets do this….
The other day I was walking at Heardmont Park (Oak Mtn High School) when this SUV pulled up. Gonna stereotype here a little - but hey, if the shoes fits. This young, attractive mother comes beebopping out of her luxury SUV and goes around to open the door for the kids. They grab soccer equipment and climb out. The perfect little family, you know? Well, as I pass by, I notice the bumper sticker that makes them even more perfect - “Tolerance.” The tolerance bumper sticker intends to promote “the ideals of understanding, compassion, open-mindedness, and acceptance among people of various faiths, religions and philosophical beliefs.” Ok, so some of you may sport a tolerance or coexist sticker on your car and feel pretty good about it. I am not knocking you for it. Seriously. No snarkiness. Your heart is in the right place.
            Here is my dilemma. Tolerance. Tolerate. Such a negative connotation. Such a high and mighty term. I tolerate you. I tolerate what you believe. Semantics? Possibly. But listen to the difference. I accept you. I accept what you believe. Oh, honey, I don’t agree with you but I accept you. I accept that we are different and have different beliefs. You may try to change mine and I may try to change yours. However, who’s to say whose are wrong or intolerant? As a Christian, I believe/know the only way to Heaven is through the Lord. That being said, your beliefs are just as important to you. God wants us to bring non-believers into the fold but I don’t believe his intentions were for us to get all high and mighty with it.
            So whether you are a Christian, an agnostic, proudly wave a Confederate flag or protest at Capitol Hill for its removal, whether you stand behind same sex marriages or believe it is between a man and a woman, I am not here to judge. Judgment places barriers in place that create divisions that may not be breached. If your plan is to sway me or anyone else to your way of thinking, you had best do it non-judgmentally, with logic and with a whole lot of passion.
            I am not always right. Actually, I am probably wrong more often than I am right. But one thing is clear. I have a passion for the Lord and my heart screams out to tell you that love for one another is key. Don’t turn away or turn others away in anger or dissent. Listen. Open your hearts. Forgive. Understand. Accept. Teach through love.

Bible verse for the week:
Romans 14: 1 -4         As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him but not to quarrel over opinions. One person may eat anything, while the weak person only eats vegetables. Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him. Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or fall. And he will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand.

Bible fun for the week:

Picture of the week:

Final thoughts:
Thank you for being tolerant of my opinions (rants). I consider each and every one of you a friend and pray for you daily.

Have a great week!