
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

First Impressions 9.9.14

Bountiful Blessings

I have (what I consider) a wonderful treat for you! I have a guest writer who has a heartfelt and incredible message to share with you this week. J

I decided I’d throw my two cents in to the Bountiful Blessings this time, since my mom has gotten to be kind of a slacker (just kidding!). I want to take this time to write about something we all have but never think about – first impressions. Meeting someone, or even seeing them for the first time – what do you immediately do? That’s right, you’ve already summed up their personality, life story, and everything in between in that short period of time. It’s okay, we’re all guilty of doing it. The question is, are you happy with how you’re presenting yourself to the world? Are you representing God in a manner you’re content with? I know personally there have been times I’ve been a less than stellar example of someone living a God-filled life, and that’s okay too. I know, I shouldn’t be saying that it is okay to look like a total jerk while preaching the Word. But you know what? I think God understands too. After all, if you look throughout the Bible you can find so many examples of men and women being guilty of the same things we are – laziness, speaking ill of others, treating others kind of awful, and so on. What else is a theme in this same Bible? FORGIVENESS. Something we often forget to do.

Let’s go back to the original point here, first impressions. I just started a new job and I am the first person many of these students see when they walk in the door. I want to make sure I am friendly and helpful, and to let them know I will assist in any way I can. The students themselves do not have to make a good first impression on me, but they choose to anyway. They choose to be polite, overall friendly, and extremely courteous to someone new in the job. Can you imagine? Being polite just because you can. I think it’s such a wonderful quality. I realize that I sound a little bit jaded here, considering how excited I am that young adults are just being nice for the sake of it. However, I’ve worked customer service jobs over the years dealing with some incredibly rude people; one woman in particular blamed me for the fact that the movie she wanted to see was not listed in the newspaper nor on the website for our theater, but she knows it must be there. For a while I was really irritated by people in general, but then I simply thought, is this what Jesus would want? If He were here to witness this, would he want me to lose my temper at the customer? Well, no. In fact, I’m pretty sure He’d want me to do the complete opposite – turn the other cheek. So I did. I learned to face every single customer with a smile and a pleasant demeanor, and you know what I discovered? So many of those very same people who would be aggressive or short-tempered with me were now smiling themselves, even going so far as to ask about my day and thank me for treating them like human beings. Isn’t that sad? I wish it could be a standard that everyone treated everyone equally, no matter who they are. I am realistic though, and I know that simply doesn’t happen.

So, let’s once again do this loopty-loop back to my main point. First impressions are key no matter what industry you’re in, or even if you’re unemployed/a student passing someone on a street. Something as easy as a smile, and perhaps a “good day” proclamation could change a person without you even realizing it. First impressions are not just appearances, but also demeanors. Occupation is not nearly as important as we make it out to be – Jesus was but a humble carpenter, one of the world’s oldest (and most necessary) occupations, yet today we raise doctors and politicians on a much higher pedestal. I work at a law library, and if we were going to judge based on appearances, I would not be hesitant to say most lawyers are clothed in pajamas and sweatpants with their hair in a messy bun. Sounds blasphemous, I know, and please know I am not digging on the law community. As I said before, these students in their comfortable clothes and calm expressions can turn into fierce debating machines at the drop of a hat. I’m sure many of them think of librarians as matronly types with flower-print dresses and a wardrobe consisting of cat hair on everything. Yep, I fit that description pretty much to a fault. So first impressions can be telling, sure. I’m also sure by now you’re wondering why I’ve spent so much time telling you about how I feel, instead of actually leading to a real message here. Let’s look at 1 Samuel 16:7 here, where Samuel makes a judgment based on first impressions rather than the Lord’s way: “But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (NIV) Wow! I know, right? The Lord looks at the heart. Just take that in for a second. When we see the Lord, He will not care if we made a ton of money, or if our outward appearance is appealing; His only concern is what lies inside us, the spirit within. I have a little bit of mental homework for you all (don’t worry, no one will know but you): try to smile at someone new this week. If you’re feeling super brave, give them a “good morning!” with that smile. You never know how a grin and a couple of words could change someone’s life. And always remember, the Lord is with you at all times, whether you feel like you could conquer the world or if you can’t even bear to get out of bed. He is by your side at all times, you just have to do is look.
Bible Verse for the week:

“Humans are satisfied with whatever looks good; God probes for what is good.”
Proverbs 16:2 (MSG)

This edition of Bountiful Blessings contributed by Summer Robinette

Bible Fun for the week:

How many books are there in the Old Testament?

__ A. 39 __ C. 55 __ B. 40 __ D. 66


How many books are there in the New Testament?

__ A. 24 __ C. 35 __ B. 27 __ D. 37


Which was the first Gospel to be written?

__ A. Matthew __ C. Luke __ B. Mark __ D. John


What is the name of the last book in the Old Testament?



When was the first Gospel written?

__ A. AD 7 __ C. AD 65 __ B. AD 35 __ D. AD 70


Which parable is not found in the Gospel of John?

__ A. The Lost Coin __ B. The Prodigal Son __ C. The Ten Virgins __ D. The Lost Sheep

__ E. All of the above


Which New Testament book was written first?

__ A. Matthew __ B. First Thessalonians __ C. First Peter __ D. First Corinthians


Place these Old Testament Kings in order:

__ A. David __ C. Solomon __ B. Josiah __ D. Saul


Where are the “I am” sayings of Jesus found?

__ A. Matthew and Mark __ B. Only in Luke __ C. Luke and Matthew __ D. Only in John


Number these in chronological order

__ Moses __ Noah __ Abraham __ Ezekiel __ David


In what year was Jesus born?

__ A. The year 0 __ B. 5 BC __ C. AD 5 __ D. None of the above


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