
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

3.16.14 Underdog??? Nope. Work of Priceless Art.

Bountiful Blessings


March 16, 2014


Good morning. How are you? I am blessed. Even during the worst of times, we are blessed. Blessed to be alive. Blessed to have each other. Blessed to be God’s children. So, let me ask you again. How are you? Haha. Different answer than before, correct? Fine just doesn’t explain it quite well enough. J


But some days you wake up and instead of counting your blessings, a little black cloud covers your bed. I hope that you do not know what I am talking about but have you ever felt beaten down? Stomped on? Nothing that you do is right? It can’t be just me. Seriously. Audio Adrenaline says it best “Been beat up - Been broken down - Nowhere but up - When you're facedown - On the ground - I'm in last place - If I place at all - But there's hope for this underdog!” Sometimes that is how I feel… an underdog. (Not the superhero kind either).


But why? I is smart. I is kind. Haha. Seriously. People can push you around. People can put you down. People can try to make you feel less. People can try to do a lot of things. But it is what you think and what you feel that makes the difference. Do you trust that God made you special? Do you trust that God has a purpose for you?

I have had days, well, weeks, that I felt beat up and broken down. Then God opened my eyes and my heart to the wondrous blessings in my life. He told me – the underdog – that he was working in my life, to use me for his ultimate purposes, that I was special to him. Me, plain ol’ me. I have learned a lot about myself. And learned that I like myself. A lot. Oh, I still struggle with my flaws. But I continue to work on them because I also know that they are part of who I am as well.


Today, I encourage you to take a good look at yourself. Not the staring in the mirror looking at yourself but truly examining who you are. Can you see yourself as God’s sees you? The beauty? The creation? The wonder? You are a masterpiece created by the artist himself. A priceless work of art, unique and beautiful. (Feel like I am feeding you a line? May sound cheesy but I am sincere). Once you are able to grasp this concept, you will be amazed at how seldom you are beat up and facedown on the ground. Amazed.


Bible Verse for the week:

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.             Ephesians 2:10



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